Ten years ago, I wrote a poem in the middle of the night. It's been one of my favorites ever since.

The Little Angel Sings

From dark to light the Voice speaks life,
And worlds and souls take wing.
From heav'n the guardians look down;
A little angel sings.

From light to dark men's hearts soon turn,
A selfish path they keep.
And as he sees their fall begin,
The little angel weeps.

Years upon years, with sorrow vast,
What evil mortals sow.
But of the love that waits for them
The little angel knows. ...continue reading


Ten years ago today, this blog came into being. I posted my very first blog post at 4:11pm on December 3, 2014. I didn’t share it to social media. I didn’t tell anyone except probably my dad that I’d done it. I thought maybe I’d sleep on it and see if I still wanted to share it. If I didn't, I could always take it down before anyone saw it. But I woke up the next morning to texts on my phone and comments on my blog. Somehow word had gotten out, and people really liked it!

I was thrilled. 🙂 ...continue reading

Today is my birthday.

It's been kind of a day. I got quite a few sweet messages wishing me a restful day or a relaxing day or a fun day, and while it's been that here and there, it's been more chaotic and overwhelming than peaceful.

Eric has been working far away in Washington, and I've been in the thick of single parenting more days and more nights than not. We just had a few days with him home, but today it was back to Washington for the day.

So mostly no Eric on my birthday.

No big boys either, for the larger part of the day. And that was an ordeal in and of itself. Let's just say starting kindergarten has not been going smoothly. Nothing like basically forcing your child to stay at school to start the morning off with plenty of stress and worry and indecision. ...continue reading