Today is my birthday.

It's been kind of a day. I got quite a few sweet messages wishing me a restful day or a relaxing day or a fun day, and while it's been that here and there, it's been more chaotic and overwhelming than peaceful.

Eric has been working far away in Washington, and I've been in the thick of single parenting more days and more nights than not. We just had a few days with him home, but today it was back to Washington for the day.

So mostly no Eric on my birthday.

No big boys either, for the larger part of the day. And that was an ordeal in and of itself. Let's just say starting kindergarten has not been going smoothly. Nothing like basically forcing your child to stay at school to start the morning off with plenty of stress and worry and indecision. ...continue reading


Last week we went to Canada. I might eventually write about the actual trip, but I really just want to post scenery pictures. 🙂 It was so pretty! I was hoping it would be, and it didn't disappoint.

The best thing is, none of these spots but one were places that we went to specifically to take pictures. These were literally just pull-off-to-the-side-of-the-road or quick-open-the-window-as-we-drive-by places. So much beautiful landscape, just begging to be seen, and see it we did. ...continue reading

Nine years ago today, Eric picked me up for prayer meeting, but we didn't walk over to church. Instead, we got in his pickup and drove to the same spot where he'd asked me out, and he got down on one knee, and he finally asked the question I'd been waiting for him to ask for so long.

And the answer of course was yes.

Picture from our engagement photo shoot.

...continue reading

Pay biz bills, my to-do list says.

Someday, that will mean sitting down with a cup of coffee, a roll of stamps, and a book of checks.

But it is not this day.

Today, I let Emmett stay up a little extra because he’s playing nicely with his brothers, and I flip through the bills that came in the mail, pulling some out to pay right away, putting others in a stack to pay next week.

I stand at the counter, pen in hand. The boys are completely silent, all three of them. I know they’re playing Baby Robin though and assume it’s nighttime and that all the little birds are sleeping.

I pay a little something to Alec’s school and write a check for the one pressing “came in the mail” bill. Chaos breaks out in the back bedroom. I go get Emmett and put him to bed. ...continue reading