I do not know the path I take;
I only know You’re here.
I do not see beyond this place;
I cannot hide my fear.
The doubts rise up inside my heart;
A coldness settles in.
And though I know that here You are,
I tremble deep within.
So walk before me, guide my feet,
And when the end is come,
I’ll look behind me, and I’ll see
The steps of only one.
Not because You’ll leave me helpless
Or go where I can’t be,
But just because You’ll pick me up
And gently carry me.
So thank You, Father, for Your love,
And thank You for this peace,
And I will follow in Your steps
As long as You will lead.
Michayla Roth © 2015

An inspiring sentiment on the classic "Footprints."
Thank you for the beautiful poetry and essays.