Is there light to be found in a world gone so dark?
Is there hope that can lift our hearts higher?
Is there joy in the midst of the tears and the pain?
Do we dare look for what we desire?
Is there peace in the middle of chaos and strife?
Is there life that can overcome death?
Is there love yet to find in a world full of hate?
Is there anything good that is left?
Can we dare to look up when the world’s looking down?
Can we dare to stand tall and be different?
Can we follow the One Who has scars in His hands?
Can we trust that our burdens are lifted?
He promised that He is the light of the world,
And He gave us His light to shine brighter
Than the darkness that threatens us on every side;
So His hand we must hold all the tighter.
He promised a hope that can reach beyond death,
That will carry us far from this earth.
He promised a peace planted deep in our hearts
And a joy fuller far than mere mirth.
His strength gives us courage to stand where we are,
For He never will leave us alone.
His life is the reason that death’s overcome,
And His way is the path that leads home.
So stand, though we can’t know what’s coming this year;
Stand tall, for He’s standing among us.
To His voice listen closely, to His light freely yield;
May His love shower down all around us.
Michayla Baer © 2015