Valentine’s Day, and the days surrounding it.
Last year, it was candles and flower petals and chocolate-covered strawberries. It was takeout from Outback Steakhouse in the comfort of our own home. (Thanks, Covid.) It was hand-written cards and a quiet evening. Literally the calm before the storm. Because it was also an ice storm. A long power outage. An absent husband from all his running around helping other people.
This year, there were no candles, flower petals, or strawberries. There was no storm either.
Life isn’t ever perfect. Sometimes one part of it is, sometimes another part of it is, but it’s never all just entirely perfect. And that’s part of the beauty of it.
This year Valentine’s Day evening found us out looking at a car. “Why is this guy out showing a car on Valentine’s?” I asked Eric. “Why are we out looking at a car on Valentine’s?” Eric asked me back, and he had a funny look on his face.
But we’d already celebrated a couple days earlier, and even though that included groceries and work stuff and “We’re running out of time, let’s just grab Taco Bell instead of sitting down somewhere,” it also included laughter and a bit of freedom and the biggest, softest pretzel from Auntie Anne’s.
Romance and candles and flowers are incredible. I think everyone should get to have a taste of them.
But doing life with your best friend is just as amazing, and even more reliable. I can’t ever say well enough how thankful I am for the husband I have. The one who loves me well no matter what day of the year it is, who gives and gives and gives, who makes me laugh, who keeps me safe, who encourages and guides and leads.
A day doesn’t go by that I don’t think again of how blessed I am.
And then there’s my little Valentines . . . Alec and Sebastian and, soon, “the baby who shall not be named yet.”
Alec made sure he and I celebrated good and proper. There were cut-out hearts and homemade cards and strawberry-frosted cookies. There was mail addressed to various grandmas and aunts and uncles. There were bits of pink and red and white paper strewn everywhere. There was a visit from our neighbor lady that resulted in a massive red velvet cake and heart-shaped lollipops and candies for the boys.
There were tears, the same as every other day. There was fighting. There was whining. But there was also excitement and joy and the reminder that even an imperfect life is still extraordinarily beautiful.
Especially when it’s given to and held by the One Who gave it.
The One Who first showed us, and still shows us, what love looks like.