Every now and then at the end of a letter or email to various of my family members, I’ll include some Little Boy Funnies quotes, which I collect regularly into little personalized notebooks for each boy. Every time I look at those notebooks, I have to stay longer than I meant to because they are just so funny and cute.
So I thought I’d do a Little Boy Funnies blog post, just for fun. 🙂 I meant to only look at the quotes from the past six months, but I opened to the wrong spot in Alec’s notebook and found this gem from when he was four.
Alec: I dug a huge grave, in case anything of ours is dead.
And because Alec was really funny when he was four, I’ll just keep going. (I don't dare go back to when he was two and three or we'd be here for far too long.)
Alec: What was I just eating in my mouth?
Alec: Which grandma do you want to go to, Sebastian? The present grandma, or the gum grandma, or the great-grandma? (My mom, Eric’s mom, and my grandma, in that order.)
Alec, to me: You are as sweet as one big, giant mother.
Alec, when Sebastian was falling behind on a family walk: Family, go slow. Bastian, go fast!
Alec: It was a bee, and I just like killed it. It was alive, and I deaded it.
Alec, to me: You cut out wheels unusually well for a girl your age.
Alec, upon seeing a white butterfly fluttering by: What? A flying flower?
Alec, pretending to be a little angel just arriving back from heaven: No worries, I have God following right behind me.
Alec: Mom, I’m glad you always have babies so often. I just love having babies. Without brothers I would just not have a thing.
Alec: Emmett only has two teeth. He should get some more like me and my brother.
Alec: Bastian’s very brave. He can scare away any animal.
Alec: You’re so cute, Mom. But you’re even cuter when you’re pregnant. You are most beautiful when you’re pregnant.
And sometimes the funniness (is that a word?) is naughtiness as well. One day Alec was upset that we couldn’t go anywhere because Emmett needed to take a nap. First he said, “Why does Emmett still have to be a baby? Why can’t he be a kid like us? He’s been a baby for so long. You should tell Jesus to hurry up and make Emmett a kid like us.” And then he said, “You were just pretending to have a baby, Mom. Emmett’s really made out of cardboard. He’s just a cardboard baby.” And then he said Emmett was a robot. A robot baby. “See, he even walks like a robot!”
And then there’s Sebastian. He’s funny, too. 🙂
Sebastian: Mom, how old is I am?
Sebastian called a popsicle on a stick “a push-up popsicle that doesn’t push up.”
One day Alec made Sebastian mad, and Sebastian chased him around with a little chair, yelling, “Beat him up, beat him up!” Goodness.
Sebastian called Q-tips “the ear diggers that dig out ears.”
Sebastian: When I grow up to be a dog, I will scare the baby with my bark noise.
Sebastian was looking at a Bible Story Book “to see what Satan does,” and when he found a picture of Jonah and the whale, he said, “See, the shark ate Satan!”
Sebastian: I’m going to grow up and be a bird. I will get out my bird wings. I’m ready to grow up and be a bird.
Sebastian: Would I turn into a dinosaur if I would die? Then I would go live at the zoo, and you would just have Alec and Emmett.
Alec: When I grow up, I’m going to buy an art store.
Sebastian, rather forlornly: I’m going to buy an art store, too. Because I don’t know how to work.
And then there's Emmett, and I just know he's going to have all sorts of funny things to say, but he's not there yet. 🙂 He is awfully cute and funny without words though.
I know I’m not the only one with funny kids -- I'd love to hear some of your funnies! 🙂