The other day I followed a car out of town, and on that car was a bumper sticker that said, “All men are animals. Some just make better pets.” Or something along those lines.
Now of course I didn't, but I’ve never wanted to rear-end somebody so badly. Rear-end them and see who showed up to help. See who took their statement. See who fixed their car.
It could’ve been all women, certainly. But chances are, it would’ve been some of those “better pets.”
Just the term makes me see red.
Men are not animals, and men are not pets.
My man sacrifices for his family daily. He works incredibly hard. He makes wise choices. He models real manhood for his employees, many of whom grew up without a dad. He teaches his boys so many things. He leads our home kindly and wisely. He keeps his heart turned toward God and the things of God.
He pours out sacrificially every single day, in so many ways.
Not an animal. Not a pet.
A protector. A provider.
An amazing man made in the image of God.
Father's Day is past, and we celebrated in real life of course, but I wanted to celebrate here as well. I have so many thoughts around Mother's Day (none that I'm ever brave enough to share, as evidenced by the five or six blog posts that are languishing in my files), but when it comes to Father's Day, all I want to do is praise Eric.
Because he really is a good man, and he really is a good father.
I have pictures of Eric reading to the boys, playing games with the boys, having hard talks with the boys, swinging with the boys, doing all manner of things with the boys, but the pictures I noticed most this time around were the ones on the job site. Little eyes watching everything, little hands trying out the tools, little voices asking questions.
And a kind and capable daddy showing them how it's done. I couldn't have dreamed of a better role model for my boys.
That's a pretty big hoodie to fill, Alec, but with a dad like yours, you've got this. 🙂
The world needs more good fathers. I'm so glad my boys get to claim one of the good ones.
Happy Father's Day, Eric. What on earth would we do without you . . . ❤