It's amazing how fast time goes. It seems like rainy November was just here and we were just starting out on this new journey called marriage. But that was six months ago.
Six months of happiness. Six months of learning. Six months of growing closer to God. Six months of growing closer to each other.
We've been so blessed.
And in thinking back six months, I had to remember sitting at our bridal table with a piece of paper clutched in my hand. . . Eric's arm around me. . . quiet words spilling from my mouth. . . yet another poem in a long line of love poems.
I'd say it merits being brought out again.
So once again, here's to you, my love. . .
They say life's a journey, and the road's sometimes long,
And you have to have courage, and you have to be strong.
But the road that we've taken, though scattered with pain,
Has led us together, and we can't explain
The joys and the beauties that grace our lives, too.
So if life's a journey, I'll travel with you.
They say life's a story, with the ending untold,
And we start when we're young, and we end when we're old.
We laugh, and we cry, and the writing unfolds,
And sometimes it seems it's already been told.
But sometimes the story takes turns that are new.
So if life's a story, I'll write it with you.
They say life's a treasure, a gift not to waste,
And each moment in time has its worth and its place.
And I think this moment is one of the best,
Cause our hearts are our God's; in His hands we can rest.
So if life's a treasure, there's one thing to do:
Thank the Father Who gave it; I'll thank Him with you.
I'll thank Him for life, for the beauty He's brought.
He's done far beyond all we asked or thought.
I'll thank Him for green eyes that capture my heart,
For the soul that's behind them, for the wonder you are.
And no matter what comes, be it jewels or dust,
For His gift I will praise Him, and I'll thank Him for us.
Michayla Baer © 2015

Six months later, we're still traveling and writing and thanking. God is so good.

Nancy satrum
So beautifully written!
Post authorThank you. 🙂
Yuliya Pike
Oh my goodness! I just got married two weeks ago and this is so encouraging and inspiring. Thanks for writing Shayla 😉 Love,Yuliya Pike
Post authorCongratulations, Yuliya! And thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed it. 🙂