Nine years ago today, Eric picked me up for prayer meeting, but we didn't walk over to church. Instead, we got in his pickup and drove to the same spot where he'd asked me out, and he got down on one knee, and he finally asked the question I'd been waiting for him to ask for so long.
And the answer of course was yes.

He gave me these flowers that night. Just stunning.
I still have them. Not quite as stunning though.
I still have him, too. 🥰 And he certainly looks better nine years later than the roses do! 😍
Happy engagement anniversary to us.
May we have more years, more kids, more memories, and much more time together.
I love you, Eric.
And you should probably hurry home because I'm making my mom's tangy meatballs and your mom's baked mac and cheese. Let's celebrate. 🥰