Author Archives: Chayli

No mother is just a mother. We all have hobbies and interests, even if they’ve been on the back burner so long we’ve about forgotten them. Some of us have side gigs; some of us have little projects we fit in here and there.

I have a few of those, but the one that takes up the most of my time these days is probably the business bookkeeping. I won’t lie, there are quite a few days when I ponder how much extra time I would have if I wasn’t always filling in the cracks with paying bills and entering data and filing invoices. ...continue reading

I don’t know why you read here, and I hope you don’t either because, my word, my 2023 blog posts have been all over the map. Literally.

In January, a house tour in Australia. In February, a book review about Mennonites kidnapped in Haiti and another book review about parenting and brain science.

Let’s not get off track here in March, shall we? 🙂

How about a trip to the zoo . . . Emmett’s first zoo trip. Sebastian’s, too. Even Alec’s first time, although I probably shouldn’t be admitting that. A child not going to the zoo till they’re five years old? When the zoo is literally less than an hour away?

I think we kept saying, Let’s wait till he’s old enough to appreciate it. And then another baby brother would come along, so we’d say, Let’s wait till he’s old enough to appreciate it. And pretty soon, another baby brother came along, and we finally just went. ...continue reading

I did not mean to do this at all, but I just looked back through my blog archives for the last time I posted book recommendations, and what do you know, it was February 3, 2021. February must just be the time for it, right after those beginning-of-year resolutions to read more. 🙂

So yes, this is another book review blog post.

I feel bad about this first one, I really do, but I also feel silly to only review one book, so . . . forgive me. And maybe just skip the first review if you have an inside scoop on the actual real-life story and the people involved.

Kidnapped in Haiti by Katrina Hoover Lee. ...continue reading

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This might be one of the strangest, most frivolous, most time-wasting posts I’ve ever done, but oh my goodness, if you ever happen to be in another country and your husband does a bunch of work on one of the coolest houses in existence, by all means don’t go looking at the real estate listing for said property six years later. You might just have to go see it for yourself.

And if you can’t go see it, you might just have to show random house pictures to random blog-readers in hopes of satiating your excitement about it.

Because just look at this beautiful place. We lived here for seven and a half weeks. ...continue reading

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Last year I was so excited for Christmas. My blog and my life were chock-full of it.

This year, not so much. I’ve gone through the motions, more for my boys than anything, but none of it has felt very special. We hung up some lights, we got our Christmas tree, we baked the dreaded sugar cookies. We wrapped gifts, and we revisited our Luke 2 memorization.

All without the sparkle that it held last year.

Thank goodness then that there is more to Christmas than the sparkle. ...continue reading