Author Archives: Chayli

Do I blog in winter?

I wish.

I was supposed to be blogging every other week this year. I made it to April. Or was it March? And I managed to eke out a few posts after Emmett was born.

And then, silence.

Not silence here, not in my house, certainly not.

Just silence on the blog.

And even now, I literally wiped my wet hands dry and left an overflowing counter of dirty dishes to perch quickly on my chair at the computer and write a few words. ...continue reading

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I can’t exactly call him the unsung hero because (when it comes to his wife anyway) he’s been “sung” plenty of times, but he’s a hero nonetheless, and it’s almost Father’s Day. I’ve been wanting to do a “husband appreciation” post for a while now, and what better time than Father's Day weekend.

I’m always thankful for my husband. Anyone reading here knows that. But I am more thankful than maybe I’ve ever been this postpartum season.

He's stepped up after every baby is born . . . to take care of the house, and the baby, and me. This time seemed extra involved though. ...continue reading

I enjoyed my children today.

I did not enjoy them yesterday.

(Such declarations paint our days in too broad of strokes, but you get the idea.)

I thought about posting this picture with the caption, “Three is so cute, but so hard. Three is so hard, but so cute.” And possibly going into detail about how both phrases capture differently the same sentiment. Cute but hard leaves you with a negative connotation. Hard but cute leaves you with a positive one.


I didn’t, and I’m glad I didn’t because it’s the perfect cover photo for a blog post about how I did not enjoy my children one day and how I did enjoy them the next. ...continue reading