I should've cleaned up the boys' room.
I should've cleaned up the green room.
I should've cleaned the shower.
I should've cleaned the car. (Are we noticing a pattern here?)
I should've mowed the lawn. (Oh, wait, it was raining.)
I should've done bookwork.
I should've paid bills.
I should've done Bible Time with my little boys.
I should've sorted the next size of clothes for Emmett.
I should've done flashcards with Sebastian.
I should've practiced reading with Alec.
I should've gotten up early enough to see Eric off to work.
But I did do the dishes.
I did fold the laundry. (The overflowing, falling over, loaded to the gills basket of laundry.)
I did bake the cookies I had mixed up yesterday.
I did make granola.
I did pick up the toys.
I did sweep the floors.
I did walk for twenty minutes.
I did read my Bible.
I did work on a photo project that has been on the past two winters' to-do lists.
I did feed and water my chickens.
I did read to my baby.
I did play Candyland with my five-year-old.
I did practice memory words with my kindergartener.
I did kiss my husband on his way between this and that.
You win some; you lose some.
And this is me not losing at blogging by not breaking my blog-every-month streak.
Today felt like a productive day, should'ves aside. 🙂