Author Archives: Chayli


You know those pockets of time where you suddenly realize that all is right in your world and you are just . . . grateful? I'm having one of those right now.

Simon Khorolskiy blaring, Quickbooks open, boys playing happily, me typing away . . .

The only thing that could make it more right is if Eric were actually home on a Saturday, but it's not hard to forgive that when you get pictures like this of the work he's doing. Just look at those beautiful steps. ...continue reading


Almost two months ago, I was trying to catch up on my stash of WORLD magazines and came across a book review that piqued my interest so much that I literally grabbed my phone and ordered the book on Amazon. I couldn’t wait for it to arrive.

It was supposed to come the day before we left to go camping with Ian and Abby, and I imagined lounging in a camp chair reading all day long while my baby played happily in the dirt.

The book came; I took it camping; our campsite was on a slope; my baby trundled around precariously and had to be watched every moment; I did almost literally no lounging in a camp chair; the book remained untouched. (That’s okay, we had a lot of fun without getting any reading done.)

So I just started reading the book here and there in the small pockets of time I had where I didn’t feel like doing anything else. And it didn't disappoint. In fact, literally five minutes after I finished it, I printed Sebastian a bazillion train pictures to color like he’d been incessantly asking me to do, and then I closed out the coloring pages tab, and I opened Word, and I started to write.

It was that good.

I had hoped it would be. ...continue reading


I ended my last blog post with these words:

Thank You, Jesus, for the hope of a life hereafter.

A few nights ago (the night my Uncle Wes died), in between what felt like endless wakings with my baby, I went out to the kitchen around 1am and turned on the computer and wrote most of the following words. I had been going to post it on the end of my last blog post, but it got so long, and I wanted Uncle Wes to have his own post anyway.

Just think of this as Part Two. 🙂

Here's a link to that previous post if you missed it: Until We Meet Again.

(When my dad heard that I had done what he wanted to do--stay up late writing a tribute to Uncle Wes--because my baby kept getting up anyway, he said he guessed he'd better borrow Emmett for a night. Then he wondered if I had a Rent-a-Grandson program in the works. 🙂 I have a very funny dad!)

But back to the topic at hand . . . thinking of heaven in regards to Uncle Wes got me thinking about heaven in regards to those who have gone before him, and I must say, the older I get the more heaven feels like it carries a tinge of familiarity with it. After all, I know some of the faces there. I know their names. And it makes the thought of heaven a little more real. ...continue reading