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Once upon a time, October 25th didn’t mean much to me.

Who knew it would become a date looked forward to for months? Eric's birthday.

I had the funny idea to look back and see what I was doing on all the October 25ths before I met Eric. Apparently nothing picture-worthy, except for in 2008, when I was both chopping wood and wearing a wedding dress (not at the same time). The wedding dress seems like a funny coincidence. The dress was not mine, and neither was the wood actually, and I think I'll spare you the pictures, but suffice it to say, October 25th didn't mean much to me before 2014.

And once upon a time, come to think of it, Eric didn’t mean much to me either.

Who knew . . . 😊 ...continue reading

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I was taking pictures at my sister Dora’s birthday party on Sunday when my other sister LaVay said, “I sense a blog post coming up.” I responded negatively, which led to a few “pretty please’es” and some well-placed flattery. 🙂

So here’s your post, Vay. . . although it might not be what you expected.

Photo credits: LaVay herself. 🙂

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Not everyone is lucky enough to spend nearly every day of their life with one of their best friends. . . but I am.

Not everyone is blessed with a brother that pursues the same interests and loves the same God. . . but I am.

Not everyone has someone who can read their thoughts and finish their sentences. . . but I do.

Here's to twenty-one years with the best brother ever. . . here's to you, Will. ...continue reading