Mommy Life

This is my boy, Sebastian.When he first came along, we were very hopeful that our wishes for a more laid-back baby (after our very wild little Alec) were coming true. Alas, it was not to be. He is every bit as wild and loud and rambunctious as Alec. Of course, we don’t actually mind. It’s so fun to watch the two of them, especially when they’re not actively fighting. Two charming, adventuresome, grab-life-by-the-horns little boys. ...continue reading


This is my boy, Alec.If you, as a stranger, were to meet him, he would probably be holding onto my skirts, half-whispering, half-whining, “Hold me, hold me,” and as much as he would be shy in your presence, he also wouldn’t be able to look away.

Fifteen minutes later (or less if you were an Alec-whisperer), he would be full of giggles and words and all the ideas that seem to randomly pop into a three-year-old’s mind. He would be charming and a bit too silly, and then you would see my Alec. ...continue reading

We’ve had a rough morning, my boys and I. So much screaming and fighting and toy-stealing. Sebastian wanting what Alec has, Alec wanting what Sebastian has, neither of them being happy if I sit a bit to read my Bible and drink my coffee. I couldn’t even manage to get dressed.

Some mornings they’re little angels. They happily play with toys in the living room. They drive cars together on the dining room windowsill. Alec decides to go play in the green room, so Sebastian quits what he’s doing and follows him. Alec sits and looks at his big-boy books, and Sebastian sits and looks at his little-boy books.

Angels, like I said.

Not this morning. I couldn’t wait till Sebastian’s morning nap. That ended up not going so well either. When I came out from a long half-hour of fighting Sebastian to sleep, I sent Alec out to play on the back deck. All I wanted to do was grab a second cup of coffee and sit down at the computer to work on a photo book.

But today is Tuesday. Floor sweeping day, laundry folding day . . . not to mention dishes and meals and little boy maintenance.

In other words, I had things to do. And I knew it was going to get blazing hot later in the day. We don’t have our AC up and running yet, so by noon it’s already pretty hot in our house, and by evening we’re all sweating. I definitely didn’t want to still have floors to sweep by that time of the day. ...continue reading

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Once upon a time, I liked to write. So I started a blog. And I wrote for a while. Then I had babies. And I quit writing.

"I wish I still blogged," I told Eric a few nights ago. "I'd love to read it in five years. Or fifty."

So here’s a post about nothing really . . . nothing but the little boys who aren’t quite my everything, but just about. 🙂

Alec Daniel. Sebastian James. ...continue reading


I don’t know if I’ve ever slept so little in my entire life. Alec is on a no-sleep kick at night, and getting more than a two-or-three-hour stretch of sleep is about unheard of these days.

Maybe that’s why I was thinking of how life used to be. Long ago, longer ago, and not-so-long ago. I love looking back. I love memories. The past always looks more enchanted to me than it actually was, but in thinking of it today I realized that the days really do just get better and better. I wouldn’t trade what I have now for what I had then, not for the world.

...continue reading