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I’m always a little torn about birth stories. I love hearing other people’s stories—I’m just not so sure about sharing mine. It feels a little bit presumptuous, and a whole lot personal.

I've been thinking about it on and off for a couple months now though, and I actually wrote the majority of this post back in March but wasn't sure I wanted to share it. Then recently I turned on the M Is for Mama podcast, only to discover the beginning of a series of birth stories from a mama of ten.

And now I'm excited about my own stories all over again.

So if a birth story is not your thing, find someone else’s blog to read. 🙂 ...continue reading

What better way to celebrate finishing up homeschool kindergarten than with a spontaneous trip to the beach?

But before we get to the beach part, how about that oddly specific "homeschool kindergarten" part . . .

I say homeschool kindergarten because, unfortunately, the private school prerequisites for first grade are slightly different than I’d expect the homeschool prerequisites to be.

You learn something new every day, some of them not as nice as others. ...continue reading