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Once upon a time, October 25th didn’t mean much to me.

Who knew it would become a date looked forward to for months? Eric's birthday.

I had the funny idea to look back and see what I was doing on all the October 25ths before I met Eric. Apparently nothing picture-worthy, except for in 2008, when I was both chopping wood and wearing a wedding dress (not at the same time). The wedding dress seems like a funny coincidence. The dress was not mine, and neither was the wood actually, and I think I'll spare you the pictures, but suffice it to say, October 25th didn't mean much to me before 2014.

And once upon a time, come to think of it, Eric didn’t mean much to me either.

Who knew . . . 😊 ...continue reading


"Mom, do you want to see something cool I can do on the backyard swing?"

From the back door came the cold little voice, breathless with the fall air and the exertion of a newfound trick. I knew if I could see him his cheeks would be rosy, his hands would be grubby, and he would likely be holding a stick or a spade or a digging machine in the hand that wasn't still clasping the doorknob.

Just popping in from a lovely day outside to see if his mom wanted to come see him "do something cool on the backyard swing."

Fully expecting that I would.

Expecting my delight.

Unashamedly asking for it.

Knowing it would come, because he was my child, and I was his mother. ...continue reading


You know those pockets of time where you suddenly realize that all is right in your world and you are just . . . grateful? I'm having one of those right now.

Simon Khorolskiy blaring, Quickbooks open, boys playing happily, me typing away . . .

The only thing that could make it more right is if Eric were actually home on a Saturday, but it's not hard to forgive that when you get pictures like this of the work he's doing. Just look at those beautiful steps. ...continue reading