Tag Archives: baby

“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14)

Fearfully and wonderfully made.

Impossible not to think of that verse when you’re watching a tiny little person squirm around on a screen.

So perfectly formed, every single part. A tiny, beating heart with four chambers. Minuscule fingers and toes. A perfectly aligned row of the tiniest little bones, curving and flexing in the spine as the baby moves around. A sweet little mouth opening and closing. That little bump nose that has appeared on every single one of our ultrasounds.

Just so perfect and so precious. ...continue reading

Man, I love a toddler.

Especially mine.

I just saw sweet little hands uncurl around a big lava rock, a pile of colored rubber bands, and a broken piece of a sparkly geode as he left his treasures on the counter in order to grasp a water cup with both hands.

I leave drinking cups on the counter for the big boys, and Emmett always has to drink out of them both. “I firsty,” and he holds up a hand. Drinks long. Puts the cup back. “I firsty,” and he holds up his hand for the other cup, too.

He loves to say “chicken,” and his two favorite uses are “poopy chicken” and “chicken house.” He said “poopy chicken” out loud at least four times during his Aunt Nikki's graduation, but hopefully no one was able to decipher it.

That aside, he’s very polite. Help him with something, and he’s sure to say “tanks” at least twice, if not three times. When I pray with him at bedtime, he says, “Thank you, Mom,” only it’s so fast and clipped that it sounds like “Tay tu, Mom.” When he wants something and is afraid of not getting it, he says, “Peas, peas, peas!”

He loves to copy his brothers in the things they do and say, and the other day when we were in the car, he was mimicking literally everything they said. He gets goofy right alongside them, and there is so much hooting and hollering and laughing. ...continue reading

No mother is just a mother. We all have hobbies and interests, even if they’ve been on the back burner so long we’ve about forgotten them. Some of us have side gigs; some of us have little projects we fit in here and there.

I have a few of those, but the one that takes up the most of my time these days is probably the business bookkeeping. I won’t lie, there are quite a few days when I ponder how much extra time I would have if I wasn’t always filling in the cracks with paying bills and entering data and filing invoices. ...continue reading