Tag Archives: birthday


You know those pockets of time where you suddenly realize that all is right in your world and you are just . . . grateful? I'm having one of those right now.

Simon Khorolskiy blaring, Quickbooks open, boys playing happily, me typing away . . .

The only thing that could make it more right is if Eric were actually home on a Saturday, but it's not hard to forgive that when you get pictures like this of the work he's doing. Just look at those beautiful steps. ...continue reading

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Not everyone is lucky enough to spend nearly every day of their life with one of their best friends. . . but I am.

Not everyone is blessed with a brother that pursues the same interests and loves the same God. . . but I am.

Not everyone has someone who can read their thoughts and finish their sentences. . . but I do.

Here's to twenty-one years with the best brother ever. . . here's to you, Will. ...continue reading