Tag Archives: business

Pay biz bills, my to-do list says.

Someday, that will mean sitting down with a cup of coffee, a roll of stamps, and a book of checks.

But it is not this day.

Today, I let Emmett stay up a little extra because he’s playing nicely with his brothers, and I flip through the bills that came in the mail, pulling some out to pay right away, putting others in a stack to pay next week.

I stand at the counter, pen in hand. The boys are completely silent, all three of them. I know they’re playing Baby Robin though and assume it’s nighttime and that all the little birds are sleeping.

I pay a little something to Alec’s school and write a check for the one pressing “came in the mail” bill. Chaos breaks out in the back bedroom. I go get Emmett and put him to bed. ...continue reading