Tag Archives: moments

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It was a busy weekend. Full in every way, sad in many ways, happy in many ways. There were endings and beginnings and continuations, smiles and tears, firsts and lasts.

I didn’t talk to Esther a lot while she was here, though I went to school with her boys and crossed paths with her many times. I do still remember though one short conversation I had with her after an overly rebellious stint of my own when I left home for a few weeks. Her words were of neither counsel nor condemnation. They were words of encouragement. She told me that she’d had a time in her life when she felt the same way I did and had perhaps even left home because of it. And that spoke to me more than any advice she could have given me. In a way, it gave me hope.

I also remember one time when Marvin’s were over at our house quite a while ago, and Mom and Esther got out the Maranatha Bible School book from the year they’d gone and were poring over it with many memories soaked in laughter. I remember thinking how beautiful they both were then and how even though time had changed them, they were both still beautiful.

Esther is more beautiful now than she ever was here on earth. How could she not be? She is in the presence of Jesus, and no more pain can ever touch her. She is made new, and as I think of her there with James and Orpha and Corinne and others, I wonder if friendships forged on earth will be remembered in heaven. And I hope they will be. ...continue reading


Every day I am blessed. Today I took a little more notice of those blessings. . .

“God is just as good when you are wearing a rain coat.” A quote from my wet, hard-working, optimistic husband. Perhaps that quote is what made me start looking for the blessings.

I realized again this morning that I do my devotions just like my mom does, and without even thinking about it when I first started. . . reading My Utmost for His Highest and the Bible at the kitchen table in the morning. Thanks, Mom. . .

We’re trying not to drink so much coffee, but Eric had a cup at Pilot. So I had a cup at home. And I was happy. ...continue reading

“Thank You for the day that went okay,” we prayed, and it wasn’t until later that I realized we’d been given more than just a day that went okay.

Sunday was a first for us. Poorly as it might reflect on us, after being married a little over two months, we were having our first Sunday lunch company. Firsts bring jitters for me, and even though it was my family that was coming, the jitters were still there. Saturday night and Sunday morning were a flurry of preparations, of things forgotten and then abruptly remembered, of trying to figure out what to do first and what could wait. Hurry here and hurry there, but we were still late to church. ...continue reading


Ideally, every day would be a good day. But everyone knows we don't live in a world like that. Some days just aren't good, at least they don't seem to be in the moment. They have their sadnesses or their confusions or their annoyances, and no matter how hard we seek it, relief is slow in coming.

I learned yesterday that even those days have worth. They might even have joy. Mine did. I had to look for it later, but it was there all the same.

I found it in the little things. . . ...continue reading

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Sometimes what makes life extraordinary is the pure craziness of it. And it's definitely a crazy world I've entered.....

...one of camping out in a guest house till the real house is livable
...one of sharing tight quarters and long days and lack of sleep
...one of open skies and beautiful country just waiting to be explored
...one of one-eyed cats and bear-like dogs
...one of grubby hands holding mine
...one of washing plastic spoons and plastic bowls so they can be used countless times even though they're disposable
...one of drinking tea in my pjs and spending some time with God after everyone else is gone to bed
...one of covering my head with a little boy's long-sleeved shirt since I forgot a bandanna ...continue reading