Tag Archives: moments

. . . life is beautiful.

It's brilliant sunshine against crystal skies. It's sixty degree weather in the middle of January. It's a warm breeze and the hint of laughter in the air.

It's little boys who say funny things. . . "I'm hot. Shall I take my shirt off?" It's little boys who do funny things. . . belly laughs that are too contagious to ignore and back rubs with tractors.

It's raking old, moldy leaves and still thrilling at the newness of life. It's being with friends. It's muddy shoes and blistered hands.

It's swinging. Going twisty. Holding still. Giving underdogs to the little ones. It's sore fingers from holding onto the swing next to yours, and perhaps sore lips from the smile you can't contain.

It's joy, and it's laughter, and if all is right with your God, it's peace.

This is life. Life is beautiful.


God is so good. The passing of the years testifies to that. We grow, and we change, and if we abide in Him, we grow and change for the better. Life brightens and darkens; our roads wind seemingly aimlessly, but the path laid out behind us creates a portrait we never could have foreseen.

The future is no different. God’s hand paints beautiful pictures when we are surrendered to Him, and what does it matter if those pictures have their splashes of pain? It makes the painting all the more beautiful in the end. Chaos in the hands of the Father breeds peace; confusion begets trust. And every moment when given to Him can be made into something beautiful that brings Him glory. ...continue reading


I wonder how big God's smile was when He decided to create friends.

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I wonder if we realize how empty the world would be without them.

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There would be no glancing at someone across the room and bursting into laughter at an inside joke. . .
. . . no mad dashes through Target in the middle of the night looking for a certain kind of candy
. . . no sitting out in the yard in pjs till all hours of the night, whispering in the rain and trying to laugh uproariously without waking up the entire neighborhood
. . . no bursting into the same song at the same time
. . . no long discussions about things that matter
. . . no wandering through K-Mart with tears streaming down your cheeks
. . . no tense rook games that last till three in the morning ...continue reading

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Most people don’t get to live extraordinary lives, at least not the way we tend to think of extraordinary. We look at our jobs and our homes and our friends, and it is all so ordinary. There’s nothing that sets us apart from anyone else, not like those missionaries in Africa witnessing to unreached tribes or that neighbor down the street who always seems to have the best the world can offer. The divide between us and them looks insurmountable sometimes, and perhaps it is.

But the gap between ordinary and extraordinary, on the other hand. . . that’s actually very small, small enough to be bridged by one little word.


Yes, wonder. Remember when you were an Indian on the warpath and the white men you captured wouldn’t cooperate as real captives should? Remember all those tea parties with little princess friends and sometimes even the queen of England? Remember turning stumps to bears and embroidery frames to halos? We all knew what it was to wonder once. The world was real, and it was alive, and we played a very big part in what that world became. But the older we get, the harder it is to hold onto that sense of wonder we had as children. So often, “real” life gets in the way. We can’t just imagine anymore. We have work to do, school to attend, families to feed.

We’re too busy to wonder. It doesn’t happen naturally anymore, not like when we were young. So make wonder a choice. ...continue reading



Life is made up of them. Some of them are exhilarating, others depressing. Quite a few of them are actually downright boring. There’s no way of knowing when one moment will end and when the next will begin or if a moment that began in joy will end in pain, and vice versa. But one thing is true about all of them: they are fleeting.

That’s part of the beauty of life. No moment lasts forever. They come and go, and though we cannot hold them, we know that more will follow, and who is to say that those will not be more lovely than the ones we cling to now? Through all the changeableness of life, through the moments we hold tightly and the ones we wish would end, there is one constant, and that is the One Who created us. ...continue reading