Tag Archives: pregnancy

Thirteen weeks until we meet our newest little Baer. Twelve weeks and six days if he follows in the very nice pattern his big brothers have laid out for him by all coming the day before their due date.

It’s certainly too soon to be starting any sort of countdown, but I’ve been feeling more and more like we’re in the calm before the storm, and I am enjoying it to its fullest.

I mean, as much as you can enjoy something when you have heartburn, find yourself short of breath, have random aches and pains, and are heavier than you’ve ever been in your life. It’s the best sort of uncomfortable.

The boys' ages are seven, almost six, and almost three, and while there are bad days when nothing seems to be going right and everyone is grumpy and everyone is fighting and no one is listening and everyone is talking at the tops of their lungs, there are more good days than bad. Days where Alec comes home from school bursting at the seams with a project to do. Days where Sebastian spends hours outside riding his bike or putting his shovel to good use. Days where Emmett plays and plays and plays, without needing much of anything.

And I am so much enjoying not being quite so needed at the moment. ...continue reading

“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14)

Fearfully and wonderfully made.

Impossible not to think of that verse when you’re watching a tiny little person squirm around on a screen.

So perfectly formed, every single part. A tiny, beating heart with four chambers. Minuscule fingers and toes. A perfectly aligned row of the tiniest little bones, curving and flexing in the spine as the baby moves around. A sweet little mouth opening and closing. That little bump nose that has appeared on every single one of our ultrasounds.

Just so perfect and so precious. ...continue reading


Three years ago yesterday, November 30, 2018, we walked into Canyon Medical Center with one little boy in tow, eagerly anticipating finding out the gender of our next baby. When the doctor said it was another boy, I was so happy. The name Sebastian had been rolling around in our heads, and I was thrilled to get to use it. Not to mention the fact that there’s just something so special about telling your little boy he’s going to get a baby brother. 🙂

Yesterday, November 30, 2021, we walked into Canyon Medical Center with two little boys in tow, eagerly anticipating another gender reveal.

Same office, same doctor, same clients, except this time that 2018 baby was on the outside instead of the inside, and his little sibling was kicking around inside my belly.

There’s something raw and unbelievable and just so incredibly exciting about realizing there’s a new little life on the way, and some of that initial excitement comes back when you find out the gender. It makes it all just a little more real, and instead of “the tiny baby,” you can start calling it “your baby brother” . . . or just maybe “your baby sister.” ...continue reading