Tag Archives: time

I am not looking forward to sending my boys back to school this fall.

It wasn't till last week though that I realized I haven't even been making the most of the time I do have with them.

The time right now.

I'm with them all day every day, but the amount of time I spend actually doing anything with them is pretty small. Eric is so good at setting aside time specifically for them. Me, not so much.

Emmett's nap time comes around, and with it my chance to get some computer work done, and I hear myself shooing this boy or that away so I can "get stuff done" while Emmett is sleeping.

And I decided to change that, while I still have them home over nap time. Why would I wish for more time with my boys and then push them away when I have a chance for some one-on-two time with them?

If you want to make a change, just tell your kids. They'll keep you accountable. ...continue reading